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The explosion of ultra-luxury properties in Paris and Île-de-France

Real Estate & Art de Vivre


Luxury real estate remains a safe bet with record sales this year. In search of space and greenery, Parisian, French expatriate and foreign customers spend lavishly.

Real estate with views of the most beautiful squares in the capital are very popular. Among the prestigious clientele of our agencies, the Lebanese are back in number in the 16th arrondissement, but also Americans, more keen on the 7th and 8th centuries. New, the 11th, with its neighborhood life and its shops, attracts more and more these very high-end investors in search of authenticity, of an idyllic Paris fantasized with its «breakfasts on the terrace, so croissant, so baguette ».

The real estate market in 2021 is in good shape with a volume of transactions carried out by BARNES which has increased by 70% compared to 2020 and by 40% compared to 2019. Similarly, Île-de-France, in particular Hauts-de -Seine and the countryside rediscover colors thanks to teleworking. Castles and properties with character are taking flight.

Wealthy clients invest and work up to 2 million euros does not scare them. On the other hand, goods with defects (dark, without a view or located on the ground floor) show a discount of 10 to 15% compared to 2019.

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